Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Teacher, Pupil, Participant

Two of my daughters are learning to play the violin. They have a great teacher that really has a good mix of encouraging young people to “get it right” in a nice way.

Another daughter that I have plays the flute and is participating in a youth orchestra. The violin teacher, who teaches my two other daughters, is also a lead (teacher) in this youth orchestra for the string section. As a playing member of the orchestra she is also a participant and under the control of the conductor a pupil in overall composition and delivery.

Reflecting on this I began to think about roles and functions and skill. In any ECM project there is not the one person that does it all. There is a team of professionals that bring skill to the project and during its life act out the roles and functions that are required to ensure successful delivery.

What I have realised through music is that  during the life of any project the opportunity for each and every person to play out the role of teacher, pupil or participant in the delivery of the final production is real and available, we just need to recognise that all roles are valid and useful and be mindful when to play the right one.

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