Monday, September 7, 2009

Browse and Search

There are two types of users in the information world. Those who browse and those who search.

The browsers are those that have been brought up on a information diet of File Servers with folder structures. Even though they may spend endless hours getting nowhere they are comfortable with the way that they go about looking for things, because they have always done it this way.

Meanwhile the searchers are frustrated with the inability to Google (or Bing) across the fields of files and folders with a single uber-like query. These users will typically go to a “zone” of where they think the information is and then drill their search from there. Or if they are smart they may use the OHI search engine.

OHI search engines are a highly complex and adaptive set of interconnected nodes powered by the most advanced neural network algorithms currently available.

Namely it is the combination of people connections and the human brain, it is the Office Human Interface.

“Hey Joe where is that document on the sales forecasting from last quarter”; click, whirr, boom, a precision answer is computed and delivered in a split second, or if the data cannot be acquired a reference node (person contact) is linked in for further query. Stunning results !

But in an age where total company time may not exceed 2.5 year on average, search is going to be a big requirement going forward.

My prediction is that with on coming generations Search will become predominate as the browsers retire out and the new collaboration software repositories such as SharePoint become more the norm. 50 years on some will be blogging about “Search and implants”.

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